a sunday to remember

...to keep in my heart. My happy little heart.


Inside of the old tavern in Röttle. Gränna. Sweden.

carlssons skafferi

A perfekt friday night with my parents and there gorgeous friends on the wonderful restaurant Carlssons Skafferi in Ulricehamn. Ecological and near-produced food and wonderful beer and wine from local suppliers. In addition, the staff lovely.

in the frozen morning


nineteen degrees in october

..and a perfect day for eleven-coffee on the porche in pur little paradise.

we will eat cinnamon buns the fourth

Of course, we will eat cinnamon buns on October the fourth.
Of course it taste best if we baked them ourselves.

a cookie with my coffee

Me and Alfons took a cookie with the coffee on the porch when the weekend-weather already began on Thursday

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